Environmental Mainstreaming Tools
Do you think we need to do more to ensure environmental. The concept and principles of sustainable development are now firmly. Design And Development Procedure Iso 9001. Bible Quiz With Answers In Tamil. Environmental Mainstreaming using Tools that can Create Obligations Assign Responsibilities and Tasks Promote Cooperation Define Procedures Build Partnerships. FIM7t_JRNUA/WbjuYjsFdVI/AAAAAAAACr0/FbFHrAMz_WUaxvW8spFSFG70k36cr2bcACEwYBhgL/s640/20170905_111748_001.jpg' alt='Environmental Science And Technology' title='Environmental Science And Technology' />Environment Inside 1. What is environmental mainstreaming What is environmental mainstreaming In Environment Inside, we define environmental mainstreaming as the informed inclusion of relevant environmental concerns into the decisions of institutions that drive national, local and sectoral development policy, rules, plans, investment and action. It results in a better understanding of the capabilities of environmental assets, the consequences of environmental hazards, and the real or potential impacts of development on the environment. Such understanding can consequently improve decisions, especially if there is a systematic institutional framework for making such decisions. In its emphasis on integrated approaches and informed trade offs, environmental mainstreaming is a major practical component of sustainable development. It can be assisted by a variety of technical and deliberative tools. However, these tools must be well suited to context, the decision at hand, and the actors taking the decision. This latter factor is particularly important since both organisational and individual values and priorities need to change if environment and development are truly to be integrated, and the environment is not to be treated merely a technical aspect. Effective environmental mainstreaming will, therefore, be a broader affair than prevailing narrower approaches which tend to fall into two, connected types firstly, building the capacity of environment authorities and environment interest groups to engage with the mainstream secondly, creating a system of environmental safeguards such as EIA. The former tends at best to create a set of supply push guidelines or conditions, but is limited by focusing on the converted i. The latter tends to focus on problems and is not able to address the more positive contributions of environmental management. Indeed, in large part, the increasing focus on proactive environmental mainstreaming is a strategic response to the limitations of reactive environmental safeguarding activities in moving development towards environmentally sustainability outcomes Brown and Tomerini, 2. Gender MainstreamingAlthough we have offered a normative description of environmental mainstreaming above, we acknowledge that this is far from universally understood. Understanding and interpretation of what environmental mainstreaming or integration means or entails varies considerably. For example, the UNDP UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative interprets environmental mainstreaming specifically in terms of integrating poverty environment linkages into national development planning processes and their outputs, such as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers PRSPs and Millennium Development Goal MDG strategies PEI 2. UNDP and UNEP work with partner countries. Title The challenges of environmental mainstreaming, Author United Nations Development Programme. Selecting Tools for Environmental Mainstreaming. What is Environmental Mainstreaming into National Planning Processes the tasks typically involved and what tools might be applied. Attitude PerseveranceDuring our country survey in Uganda, responses to the survey questionnaire showed that suggested definitions differed in detail, by respondent even within the same organisation, and by the specific issues to be addressed Birungi, 2. Different organisations also emphasise different issues Table 1. Thus for many people, it remains the case that environmental mainstreaming is an unclear term for different and changing or sometimes unspecified intentions, i. Bass, 2. 00. 8 mere box ticking exercises attempting to demonstrate that environmental concerns have been dealt with, even if in a cursory way i. NGO tactics institutional and cultural change systematically integrating a particular environment idea, value or objective into all domains of governance, both central and sectoral, as well as into business practices and individuals value systems. Of the above, it is clear that all except the first bullet are components of environmental mainstreaming, but only the last might sum it up. As we began this initiative, we took environmental mainstreaming or environmental integration to encompass the processes by which environmental considerations are brought to the attention of organisations and individuals involved in decision making on the economic, social and physical development of a country at national, sub national andor local levels, and the processes by which environment is considered in taking those decisions. In retrospect, this seems to be a limited, functional view of the wide range of institutional changes that are actually needed, and indeed seems to imply that environmental mainstreaming might be a mere option. One respondent in a survey of perspectives on environmental mainstreaming in Kenya commented The definition seems to allude to a process of environmental mainstreaming that is optional, that the environment is considered in the policy process. We need to move to a process that includes the environment as a mandatory part of decision making. The definition seems to me to take a weak position trying desperately to make the environment considered by policy makers. It is not a matter of consider the environment, but to really build it into the process PEI, 2. We would fully agree with this sentiment. But the present reality is that environment is off the agenda in many countries. Many might argue that responding to climate change is now one of the top political priorities and that this is the major environmental issue. True. Some might also argue that the current concentration on climate change, accompanied by huge amounts of funding for mitigation and adaptation, has had the effect of crowding out most of the other environmental dimensions particularly natural resources which are critical to survival and the economies of many poor countries. Self Cooking Games here. Furthermore, climate change policy tends to address the economic and social causes and consequences of climate change, but is skewed because it does not also recognise the environmental causes and consequences of climate change and some of the environmental solutions to climate change building ecosystem resilience. This may be the case but, looking at mainstreaming as a long term institutional change process, these are precisely the kinds of initial and albeit incomplete adjustments which we should be identifying and working with. Thus environmental mainstreaming can be advanced by jumping on the climate bandwagon to benefit from its momentum. Whilst bandwagons have negative connotations, their very locus in the mainstream itself can offer a potential entry point with latent demand for further environmental input. The trend is that the attention generated by the climate challenge is already transforming the environment and sustainable development agenda in the most lively and interesting policy debate amongst the general public at a global scale. The climate proofing window of opportunity provides a great option to focus on the long forgotten comprehensive price tagging of environmental values including ecosystem resilience costs and benefits and including costing of avoided damage to infrastructure, economic goods, livelihoods, human health and sufferings, migration flows etc. The ParisAccra agenda for aid effectiveness should be used to prevent opportunistic and calculating civil servants as well as the big climate funds from generating new, parallel systems and bureaucracies, by embedding climate change considerations into existing frameworks, mechanisms and toolboxes and insisting that they be used at high level policy fora.